Characteristics of High PERFORMing Team

Characteristics of a High Performance


  1. P = Purpose and Values – A high performing team shares a strong sense of purpose and a set of common values. They are clear about what their work is and why it is important. The purpose is what focuses energy and drives interdependence and performance. It is from purpose that mutually agreed upon goals are derived, roles defined and strategies developed. If purpose and values are not clear, the team will falter.
  2. E = Empowerment – Policies, rules and procedures enable the team to do their work easily. The team has access to relevant information and resources. They have the skills necessary to succeed or at least know how to get them. The team’s decision-making practices, scope of authority, and accountability strategies are clear. They have the autonomy, opportunity and ability to experience their personal and collective power.
  3. R = Relationships & Communication – This is the lifeblood of the team. Team members feel like they can take risks, share their thoughts, opinions and feelings without fear. Listening is considered as important as speaking. Differences are truly valued and if differences lead to conflict, the team is skilled in dealing with it in a way that maintains human dignity. Trust and mutual respect are high. They care and depend on each other.
  4. F = Flexibility – The team has the ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions and demands. Roles are shared and team members back one another up. Everyone shares in team development and leadership. Strengths are identified and used. The team engages in both hard work and fun. Feelings as well as opinions are valued.
  5. O = Optimal Productivity – A HPT is committed to producing significant results. There is a commitment to high standards and quality. They take great pride in meeting deadlines, achieving goals and getting the job done. They hold each other accountable. There is striving for continual improvement. They have effective decision and problem solving methods to enhance creativity and participation. Everyone carries their weight and they hold each other accountable. They take great pride in team accomplishment.
  6. R = Recognition & Appreciation – Recognition and appreciation is the responsibility of all team members and the leader. The organization recognizes and values the team contribution. Individual and team accomplishments are recognized. Milestones are celebrated. Team members feel highly regarded in the team.
  7. M = Morale – Morale is the sense of pride and satisfaction that comes from belonging to the team and accomplishing its work. Team members are confident and enthusiastic There is a sense of optimism about the future. Team spirit is high.
By | 2018-06-02T16:44:32+00:00 June 2nd, 2018|Coach's Corner|0 Comments